ILE RPG function to search the IFS for files

An updated version of these procedures can be found here.

This function searches the IFS for files and directories having a name that matches the mask 🙂

When a matching file is found, a ‘File Found’ function/procedure is called. The ‘File Found’ function/procedure is one that you supply. An example is supplied.

The four source members are available in an installation package you can download here. You will get a zip file containing a executable JAR file (requires Java V1.8 or newer). Unzip the JAR file and run it. You will be presented for a series of screen that will install the four members to the file QRPGLESRC in library JWTOOLS. If the library and/or source file does not exist, they will created.

To use and compile this module, you will need two of my other routines:

  • Convert to Upper and Lower case
    You can download that from this page.
  • Split Filename
    You can download that here.

Have fun 🙂

Listing 1, member FINDFIL_PR, type RPGLE:

      * FindFil_Pr
      * ----------
      * Prototypes for FindFiles() function.
     d FindFiles       Pr             1n
     d   iStartPath                 250a   Value
     d   iFileMask                   25a   Value
     d   iDoSubDirs                   1n   Value
     d   iFoundProc                    *   ProcPtr Value
      * The function FindFiles must be called with these parameters:
      * FindFiles(
      *           starting_path:    The path to start the search. This can
      *                             be a IFS or QSYS path. FindFiles() work
      *                             on both.
      *           mask:             The mask which found files must match.
      *                             You can pass these values to return all
      *                             files/objects:
      *                             '*.*'
      *                             '*'
      *                             ' '
      *                             You can enter the mask in upper or
      *                             lower case. FindFiles() is case
      *                             insensitive. If you enter '*abc*.*'
      *                             The files 'ABC.TXT', 'ABCDEFG.TXT',
      *                             'AbCdEfG.tXt' are found.
      *           search_subdirs:   Indicator for search of subfolders:
      *                             *On  - Subfolders will be searched too.
      *                             *Off - Only the folder in
      *                                    starting_path will be searched.
      *           pointer           This must be a procedure pointer to
      *                             a procedure you write that will be
      *                             called for each file/directory found.
      *           )
      * If FindFiles() returns *On, it means that the user supplied
      * FileFound() function returned *On to terminate the search.
      * Otherwise, FindFiles() returns *Off.
      * Examples:
      * To find all files with extension txt i /home and subdirs:
      *   FindFiles('/home': '*.txt': *On: %PAddr('MYFILEFOUND'))
      * To find all objects of type *PGM in JWTOOLS:
      *   FindFiles('/qsys.lib/jwtools.lib': '*.pgm': *Off:
      *             %PAddr('MYFILEFOUND'))
      * Please note, that when searching a library other that QSYS it is
      * a waiste of CPU time to specify *On for subfolders.
      * To find all *DTAARA in the QSYS file system:
      *   FindFiles('/qsys.lib': '*.dtaara': *On: %PAddr('MYFILEFOUND'))
      * Here the subdir option is set to *ON because all libraries reside
      * in QSYS.

Listing 2, member FINDFIL, type RPGLE:

     h NoMain BndDir('QC2LE')
      * FindFil
      * -------
      * Function to search for files in a path with a filename mask.
      * Jesper Wachs, August 2016.
      * Copymember for exported functions.
      * ----------------------------------
     d/copy qrpglesrc,findfil_pr
      * Copymember(s) for imported functions.
      * -------------------------------------
     d/copy qrpglesrc,splitfn_pr
     d/copy qrpglesrc,lucase_pr
      * Prototypes for local functions.
      * -------------------------------
     d FileNameMatch   Pr             1n
     d   iEntryName                 100a   Value
     d   iFindFNPart                 50a   Value
     d   iFindFNLen                   3p 0 Value
     d   iFindFNType                  1p 0 Value
     d   iFindEXPart                 50a   Value
     d   iFindEXLen                   3p 0 Value
     d   iFindEXType                  1p 0 Value
     d FindFilesWork   Pr             1n
     d   iStartPath                 250a   Value
     d   iFileMask                   25a   Value
     d   iDoSubDirs                   1n   Value
     d   iFoundProc                    *   ProcPtr Value
     d   iFindFNPart                 50a   Value
     d   iFindFNLen                   3p 0 Value
     d   iFindFNType                  1p 0 Value
     d   iFindEXPart                 50a   Value
     d   iFindEXLen                   3p 0 Value
     d   iFindEXType                  1p 0 Value
     d FindFilesType   Pr            25a
     d   iNamePart                   25a   Value
     d   oFindType                    1p 0
     d IsDir           Pr             1n
     d   Mode                        10u 0 Value
     d ErrNo           Pr            10i 0
      * Constants
      * ---------
     d ftAll           c                   Const(1)
     d ftIn            c                   Const(2)
     d ftEq            c                   Const(3)
     d ftLeft          c                   Const(4)
     d ftRight         c                   Const(5)
      * Exported funtions.
      * ------------------
      * FindFiles
      * ---------
      * Searches a path for files containing a file mask.
      * For each file found that matches, the 'found' function is called
      * for the processing of the file found.
      * FindFiles is the top level function of a number of functions used.
      * It takes care of figuring out what kind of file mask to look for
      * and sets up a number of work fields that are passed to the actual
      * search routine. This gives the best performance as this work is
      * only done once.
     P FindFiles       B                   Export
     d FindFiles       Pi             1n
     d   iStartPath                 250a   Value
     d   iFileMask                   25a   Value
     d   iDoSubDirs                   1n   Value
     d   iFoundProc                    *   ProcPtr Value
     d FindFNPart      s             50a
     d FindEXPart      s             50a
     d FindFNType      s              1p 0
     d FindEXType      s              1p 0
     d FindFNLen       s              3p 0
     d FindEXLen       s              3p 0
      * Three file masks that means we must look for all files.
     c                   If        iFileMask = '*' or
     c                             iFileMask = '*.*' or
     c                             iFileMask = ' '
     c                   EVal      FindFNType = ftAll
     c                   EVal      FindEXType = ftAll
     c                   Else
      * We must compare the found files to the file mask. We call
      * SplitFN to split the name and extension part of the file
      * mask.
     c                   CallP     SplitFN(iFileMask:
     c                                     FindFNPart:
     c                                     FindEXPart)
      * Set values for match on name part of filename.
     c                   EVal      FindFNPart = UCase(
     c                                          FindFilesType(FindFNPart:
     c                                          FindFNType))
     c                   EVal      FindFNLen = %Len(%TrimR(FindFNPart))
      * Set values for match on extension part of filename.
     c                   EVal      FindEXPart = UCase(
     c                                          FindFilesType(FindEXPart:
     c                                          FindEXType))
     c                   EVal      FindEXLen = %Len(%TrimR(FindEXPart))
     c                   EndIf
      * Call the actual search routine with all the search parameters.
     c                   Return    FindFilesWork(iStartPath:
     c                                           iFileMask:
     c                                           iDoSubDirs:
     c                                           iFoundProc:
     c                                           FindFNPart:
     c                                           FindFNLen:
     c                                           FindFNType:
     c                                           FindEXPart:
     c                                           FindEXLen:
     c                                           FindEXType)
     P FindFiles       E
      * Internal functions.
      * -------------------
      * FindFilesWork
      * -------------
      * This function does all the actual search work.
     P FindFilesWork   B
     d FindFilesWork   Pi             1n
     d   iStartPath                 250a   Value
     d   iFileMask                   25a   Value
     d   iDoSubDirs                   1n   Value
     d   iFoundProc                    *   ProcPtr Value
     d   iFindFNPart                 50a   Value
     d   iFindFNLen                   3p 0 Value
     d   iFindFNType                  1p 0 Value
     d   iFindEXPart                 50a   Value
     d   iFindEXLen                   3p 0 Value
     d   iFindEXType                  1p 0 Value
      * Prototype for the dynamic function that will be called for each
      * file found matching the file mask.
     d VirtFileFound   Pr             1n   ExtProc(VirtProcPtr)
     d   iPath                      250a   Value
     d   iFileName                  100a   Value
     d   iIsDir                       1n   Value
     d   iStatDS                           Value Like(StatDS)
     d   iErrNo                      10i 0 Value
     d VirtProcPtr     s               *   ProcPtr
      * Prototype for API procedures
     d LStat           Pr            10i 0 ExtProc('lstat')
     d                                 *   Value
     d                                 *   Value
     d OpenDir         Pr              *   ExtProc('opendir')
     d                                 *   Value Options(*String)
     d ReadDir         Pr              *   ExtProc('readdir')
     d                                 *   Value
     d CloseDir        Pr            10i 0 ExtProc('closedir')
     d                                 *   Value
      * Local work fields.
      * Stat data structure returned by procedure lstat()
     d StatDS          Ds           128
     d   st_mode                     10U 0
     d   st_ino                      10U 0
     d   st_nlink                     5U 0
     d   reserved1                    2A
     d   st_uid                      10U 0
     d   st_gid                      10U 0
     d   st_size                     10U 0
     d   st_atime                    10U 0
     d   st_mtime                    10U 0
     d   st_ctime                    10U 0
     d   st_dev                      10U 0
     d   st_blksize                  10I 0
     d   st_allocsize                10I 0
     d   st_objtype                  10A
     d   reserved2                    2A
     d   st_codepage                  5U 0
     d   st_reserved1                62A
     d   st_ino_genid                10U 0
      * DirEntry data structure returned by procedure readdir()
     d DirEntry        Ds
     d   d_reserved1                 16A
     d   d_filengenid                10U 0
     d   d_fileno                    10U 0
     d   d_reclen                    10U 0
     d   d_reserved3                 10I 0
     d   d_reserved_4                 6A
     d   d_reserved5                  2A
     d   d_ccsid                     10I 0
     d   d_country_id                 2A
     d   d_languageid                 3A
     d   d_nls_reserv                 3A
     d   d_namelen                   10U 0
     d   d_name                     640A
     d APIErr          Ds
     d  ErrSiz                 1      4b 0 Inz(256)
     d  ErrLen                 5      8b 0 Inz(0)
     d  ErrMic                 9     15
     d  ErrNbr                16     16
     d  ErrDta                17    272
     d ReturnDir       s               *
     d PtrToEntry      s               *
     d RtnEntry        s                   Based(PtrToEntry) Like(DirEntry)
     d EntryName       s            100a
     d EntryPath       s            250a
     d NewStartPath    s            250a
     d Res             s             10i 0
     d ReturnInt       s             10i 0
     d ReturnCode      s              1n   Inz(*Off)
     d Null            s              1A   Inz(X'00')
      * Setup how to call when a file is found.
     c                   EVal      VirtProcPtr = iFoundProc
      * Open directory
     c                   EVal      ReturnDir = OpenDir(%TrimR(iStartPath))
      * If error occurred when opening directory tell it to FilesFind.
     c                   If        ReturnDir = *Null
      * Get the error code for what went wrong.
     c                   Return    VirtFileFound(iStartPath:
     c                                           '.':
     c                                           IsDir(st_mode):
     c                                           *Allx'00':
     c                                           ErrNo)
     c                   Endif
      * Read first entry and then enter loop to process each entry in
      * the directory.
     C                   EVal      PtrToEntry = readdir(ReturnDir)
      * Loop though all directory entries.
     C                   DoW       PtrToEntry <> *Null
     C                   Eval      DirEntry = RtnEntry
     C                   Eval      EntryName = %Str(%Addr(d_name))
      * We skip the processing of the current directory.
     c                   If        EntryName <> '.'
      * We will tell FindFiles that we have found the indicator for
      * parent directory. It is up to FindFiles to use it or bypass it.
     c                   If        EntryName = '..'
     c                   If        VirtFileFound(iStartPath:
     c                                           EntryName:
     c                                           *On:
     c                                           StatDS:
     c                                           *Zeros) = *On
     c                   EVal      ReturnCode = *On
     c                   Leave
     c                   EndIf
     c                   Else
      * Does the entry name match the file mask?
     c                   If        FileNameMatch(EntryName:
     c                                           iFindFNPart:
     c                                           iFindFNLen:
     c                                           iFindFNType:
     c                                           iFindEXPart:
     c                                           iFindEXLen:
     c                                           iFindEXType) = *On
     C                   Eval      EntryPath = %TrimR(iStartPath) + '/' +
     C                                         %TrimR(EntryName) + Null
      * Get information about the entry.
     C                   Eval      ReturnInt = LStat(%Addr(EntryPath):
     C                                               %Addr(StatDS))
      * Call the supplied FileFound() function.
     c                   If        VirtFileFound(iStartPath:
     c                                           EntryName:
     c                                           IsDir(st_mode):
     c                                           StatDS:
     c                                           ReturnInt) = *On
     c                   EVal      ReturnCode = *On
     c                   Leave
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
      * Read the next entry from the directory.
     c                   EVal      PtrToEntry = ReadDir(ReturnDir)
     c                   Enddo
      * Close directory.
     c                   CallP     CloseDir(ReturnDir)
      * Have we been asked to terminate?
     c                   If        ReturnCode = *On
     c                   Return    *On
     c                   EndIf
      * Look for sub dirs?
     c                   If        iDoSubDirs = *On
     c                   EVal      ReturnDir = OpenDir(%TrimR(iStartPath))
      * No reason to check the pointer, as we just did above.
     c                   EVal      PtrToEntry = ReadDir(ReturnDir)
      * Loop though all directory entries.
     C                   DoW       PtrToEntry <> *Null
     C                   Eval      DirEntry = RtnEntry
     C                   Eval      EntryName = %Str(%Addr(d_name))
     c                   If        EntryName <> '.' and EntryName <> '..'
     C                   Eval      EntryPath = %TrimR(iStartPath) + '/' +
     C                                         %TrimR(EntryName) + Null
     C                   Eval      ReturnInt = LStat(%Addr(EntryPath):
     C                                               %Addr(StatDS))
     c                   If        ReturnInt = *Zeros and
     c                             IsDir(st_mode) = *On
     c                   EVal      NewStartPath = %TrimR(iStartPath) + '/' +
     c                                                   EntryName
      * FindFilesWork, the function we are in right now, is called
      * recursively.
     c                   If        FindFilesWork(NewStartPath:
     c                                           iFileMask:
     c                                           iDoSubDirs:
     c                                           iFoundProc:
     c                                           iFindFNPart:
     c                                           iFindFNLen:
     c                                           iFindFNType:
     c                                           iFindEXPart:
     c                                           iFindEXLen:
     c                                           iFindEXType) = *On
     c                   EVal      ReturnCode = *On
     c                   Leave
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
     C                   EVal      PtrToEntry = ReadDir(ReturnDir)
     c                   EndDo
      * Close directory.
     c                   CallP     CloseDir(ReturnDir)
     c                   EndIf
     c                   Return    ReturnCode
     P FindFilesWork   E
      * FindFilesType
      * -------------
      * This function figures out how the file mask is to be compared to
      * the files found. It sets up a number of work fields once in order
      * for processing the files as fast as possible.
     P FindFilesType   B
     d FindFilesType   Pi            25a
     d   iNamePart                   25a   Value
     d   oFindType                    1p 0
     d OutPart         s             25a
      * Find out where the asterix are located.
      * FileName.
     c                   If        iNamePart = '*'
     c                   EVal      oFindType = ftAll
     c                   Else
     c                   If        %SubSt(iNamePart: 1: 1) = '*'
     c                   If        %SubSt(iNamePart: %Len(%TrimR(
     c                             iNamePart)): 1) = '*'
     c                   EVal      oFindType = ftIn
     c                   Else
     c                   EVal      oFindType = ftRight
     c                   EndIf
     c                   Else
     c                   If        %SubSt(iNamePart: %Len(%TrimR(
     c                             iNamePart)): 1) = '*'
     c                   EVal      oFindType = ftLeft
     c                   Else
     c                   EVal      oFindType = ftEq
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
      * Remove asterix from the Filename field.
     c                   EVal      OutPart = iNamePart
     c                   If        %SubSt(OutPart: 1: 1) = '*'
     c                   EVal      OutPart = %SubSt(OutPart: 2:
     c                                          %Len(OutPart) - 1)
     c                   EndIf
     c                   If        %SubSt(OutPart: %Len(
     c                                    %TrimR(OutPart)): 1) = '*'
     c                   EVal      %SubSt(OutPart: %Len(%TrimR(
     c                                    OutPart)): 1) = ' '
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
     c                   Return    OutPart
     P FindFilesType   E
      * FileNameMatch
      * -------------
      * The functions compares a filename/directory entry to the file mask.
     P FileNameMatch   B
     d FileNameMatch   Pi             1n
     d   iEntryName                 100a   Value
     d   iFindFNPart                 50a   Value
     d   iFindFNLen                   3p 0 Value
     d   iFindFNType                  1p 0 Value
     d   iFindEXPart                 50a   Value
     d   iFindEXLen                   3p 0 Value
     d   iFindEXType                  1p 0 Value
     d wName           s             50a
     d wExt            s             50a
     d sName           s             50a
     d sMask           s             50a
     d sMaskLen        s              3p 0
     d sType           s              1p 0
     d sMatch          s              1n
     d sTemp           s              3p 0
     d FNMatch         s              1n
     d EXMatch         s              1n
      * If file mask is set to include all, then return with value that
      * indicates a match.
     c                   If        iFindFNType = ftAll and
     c                             iFindEXType = ftAll
     c                   Return    *On
     c                   Else
     c                   CallP     SplitFN(iEntryName: wName: wExt)
      * Does the Name part of the filename match?
     c                   EVal      sName = UCase(wName)
     c                   EVal      sMask = iFindFNPart
     c                   EVal      sMaskLen = iFindFNLen
     c                   EVal      sType = iFindFNType
     c                   ExSr      Compare
     c                   EVal      FNMatch = sMatch
      * Does the Extension part of the filename match?
     c                   EVal      sName = UCase(wExt)
     c                   EVal      sMask = iFindEXPart
     c                   EVal      sMaskLen = iFindEXLen
     c                   EVal      sType = iFindEXType
     c                   ExSr      Compare
     c                   EVal      EXMatch = sMatch
      * Set the return value if the name and extension matches the file
      * mask.
     c                   If        FNMatch = *On and EXMatch = *On
     c                   Return    *On
     c                   Else
     c                   Return    *Off
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
      * Do the comparison.
     c     Compare       BegSr
      *    -------------------
      * No reason to waste time if the mask is All.
     c                   If        sType = ftAll
     c                   EVal      sMatch = *On
     c                   Else
     c                   EVal      sMatch = *Off
     c                   Select
      * Mask is '*abc*'.
     c                   When      sType = ftIn
     c                   If        %Scan(%Trim(sMask): sName) > 0
     c                   EVal      sMatch = *On
     c                   EndIf
      * Mask is 'abc'.
     c                   When      sType = ftEq
     c                   If        sMask = sName
     c                   EVal      sMatch = *On
     c                   EndIf
      * Mask is 'abc*'.
     c                   When      sType = ftLeft
     c                   If        %SubSt(sName: 1: sMaskLen) =
     c                             sMask
     c                   EVal      sMatch = *On
     c                   EndIf
      * Mask is '*abc'.
     c                   When      sType = ftRight
     c                   EVal      sTemp = %Len(%TrimR(sName))
     c                   If        sTemp >= sMaskLen
     c                   EVal      sTemp = sTemp - sMaskLen + 1
     c                   If        %SubSt(sName: sTemp: sMaskLen) =
     c                             sMask
     c                   EVal      sMatch = *On
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndSl
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndSr
     P FileNameMatch   E
      * IsDir
      * -----
      * This function tests file mode to see if a file is a directory.
     P IsDir           B
     d IsDir           Pi             1n
     d   St_Mode                     10u 0 Value
     d                 Ds
     d DirMode                 1      4u 0
     d Byte1                   1      1a
     d Byte2                   2      2a
     d Byte3                   3      3a
     d Byte4                   4      4a
      * Turn off bits.
     c                   EVal      DirMode = St_Mode
     c                   BitOff    x'FF'         Byte1
     c                   BitOff    x'FE'         Byte2
     c                   BitOff    x'0F'         Byte3
     c                   BitOff    x'FF'         Byte4
      * Compare the resutlt to x0040000, and return True or False.
     c                   If        DirMode = 16384
     c                   Return    *On
     c                   Else
     c                   Return    *Off
     c                   EndIf
     P IsDir           E
      * Get Error Number
      * ----------------
      * The fuction gets the API errorcode and return it in a nice manner.
     P ErrNo           B
     d ErrNo           Pi            10i 0
     d cErrNo          Pr              *   ExtProc('__errno')
     d p_errno         s               *
     d RetVal          s             10i 0 Based(p_errno)
     c                   EVal      p_errno = cErrNo
     c                   Return    RetVal
     P                 E

Listing 3, member FINDFIL_EX, type RPGLE:

      * FindFil_Ex
      * ----------
      * Example program for the FindFiles() function.
      * Jesper Wachs, August 2016.
      * To successful compile this program, you must have downloaded and
      * compiled these two functions from my website:
      * - LUCase
      * - SplitFN
      * You will find then in the 'ILE RPG Stuff' section.
      * Copymember for imported functions.
      * ----------------------------------
     d/copy qrpglesrc,findfil_pr
      * Prototypes for local functions.
      * -------------------------------
     d FileFound       Pr             1n
     d   iPath                      250a   Value
     d   iFileName                  100a   Value
     d   iIsDir                       1n   Value
     d   iStatDS                           Value Like(StatDS)
     d   iErrNo                      10i 0 Value
     d CnvUTimeToTS    Pr              z
     d   sTime                       10u 0 Const
      * Work fields.
      * ------------
     d StatDS          Ds           128
     d   st_mode                     10U 0
     d   st_ino                      10U 0
     d   st_nlink                     5U 0
     d   reserved1                    2A
     d   st_uid                      10U 0
     d   st_gid                      10U 0
     d   st_size                     10U 0
     d   st_atime                    10U 0
     d   st_mtime                    10U 0
     d   st_ctime                    10U 0
     d   st_dev                      10U 0
     d   st_blksize                  10I 0
     d   st_allocsize                10I 0
     d   st_objtype                  10A
     d   reserved2                    2A
     d   st_codepage                  5U 0
     d   st_reserved1                62A
     d   st_ino_genid                10U 0
     d Msg             s             50a
      * Main line of program.
      * ---------------------
      * This is the call to the actual file search function. Please note
      * that this call is for V4R5 and earlier:
     c                   If        FindFiles('/www':
     c                                       '*.htm*':
     c                                       *On:
     c                                       %PAddr('FILEFOUND')) = *On
     c                   EVal      Msg = 'Search was terminated'
     c                   Else
     c                   EVal      Msg = 'Search was successful'
     c                   EndIf
     c     Msg           Dsply
      * This is the call to the actual file search function. Please note
      * that this call is for V5R1 and later:
     c**                 If        FindFiles('/www':
     c**                                     '*.htm':
     c**                                     *On:
     c**                                     %PAddr(FileFound):
     c**                                     ErrMsg) = *On
     c                   EVal      *InLR = *On
     c                   Return
      * Exported funtions.
      * ------------------
      * FileFound
      * ---------
      * This function is a 'callback' function. It is called every time
      * a file is found that matches the search mask.
      * Please note, that for V4R5 and before, you must declare this
      * function with keyword Export. This is not needed for V5R1 and
      * later.
     P FileFound       B                   Export
     d FileFound       Pi             1n
      * This is the path where the file was found.
     d   iPath                      250a   Value
      * This is the file (or directory) that was found.
     d   iFileName                  100a   Value
      * Directory indicator. If *On it is a directory that is found.
      * If *Off it is a file that is found.
     d   iIsDir                       1n   Value
      * StatDS structure for the file found.
     d   iStatDS                           Value Like(StatDS)
      * If an error occurred during the read of the directory or the
      * access to the file, then this is the error number.
      * Errors are NOT reported back up the call stack.
     d   iErrNo                      10i 0 Value
      * Prototype for API that returns the text for an error number.
     d StrError        Pr              *   ExtProc('strerror')
     d   ErrNum                      10i 0 Value
      * Stat data structure parsed on the call. For the meaning of each
      * field, search the net :-)
     d StatDS          Ds           128
     d   st_mode                     10U 0
     d   st_ino                      10U 0
     d   st_nlink                     5U 0
     d   reserved1                    2A
     d   st_uid                      10U 0
     d   st_gid                      10U 0
     d   st_size                     10U 0
     d   st_atime                    10U 0
     d   st_mtime                    10U 0
     d   st_ctime                    10U 0
     d   st_dev                      10U 0
     d   st_blksize                  10I 0
     d   st_allocsize                10I 0
     d   st_objtype                  10A
     d   reserved2                    2A
     d   st_codepage                  5U 0
     d   st_reserved1                62A
     d   st_ino_genid                10U 0
     d p_errmsg        s               *
     d Msg             s             50a
     d Stamp           s               z
     d ReturnCode      s              1n   Inz(*Off)
      * If an error occurred, then display that error.
     c                   If        iErrNo <> *Zeros
     c                   EVal      p_errmsg = StrError(iErrNo)
     c                   EVal      Msg = 'Error reading ' +%TrimR(iPath) +
     c                                   ': ' + %Str(p_errmsg)
     c     Msg           Dsply
     c                   EVal      ReturnCode = *On
     c                   Else
      * In this example, we ignore the parent dir.
     c                   If        iFileName <> '..'
     c                   If        iIsDir = *On
     c                   EVal      Msg = 'Dir.:'
     c                   Else
     c                   EVal      Msg = 'File:'
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EVal      Msg = %TrimR(Msg) + ' '+ %TrimR(iPath) +
     c                                   '/' + %TrimR(iFileName)
     c     Msg           Dsply
      * As iStatDS is merly a string field, we must convert to StatDS
      * structure to get each field.
     c                   EVal      StatDS = iStatDS
      * Call convert routine to get a 'good old timestamp' of when the
      * file was last modified.
     c                   EVal      Stamp = CnvUTimeToTS(st_mtime)
     c                   EVal      Msg = 'Last modified: ' + %Char(Stamp)
     c     Msg           Dsply
     c                   EndIf
     c                   EndIf
     c                   Return    ReturnCode
     P FileFound       E
      * CnvUTimeToTS
      * ------------
      * Convert Unix time field into TimeStamp field taking into account
      * the local time zone.
     P CnvUTimeToTS    B
     d CnvUTimeToTS    Pi              z
     d   iTime                       10u 0 Const
     d LocalTime       Pr              *   ExtProc('localtime')
     d   TimeVal                       *   Value
     d tm              Ds                  Based(tmP)
     d   tm_sec                      10I 0
     d   tm_min                      10I 0
     d   tm_hour                     10I 0
     d   tm_mday                     10I 0
     d   tm_mon                      10I 0
     d   tm_year                     10I 0
     d   tm_wday                     10I 0
     d   tm_yday                     10I 0
     d   tm_isdst                    10I 0
     d tmP             s               *
     d wTime           s             10u 0
     d nStamp          s             20s 0
     d oStamp          s               z   Inz(z'0001-01-01-')
     c                   EVal      wTime = iTime
     c                   EVal      tmP = LocalTime(%Addr(wTime))
     c                   If        tmP <> *Null
     c                   EVal      nStamp = tm_year + 1900
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp * 100
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp + tm_mon + 1
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp * 100
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp + tm_mday
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp * 100
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp + tm_hour
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp * 100
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp + tm_min
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp * 100
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp + tm_sec
     c                   EVal      nStamp = nStamp * 1000000
     c     *ISO          Move      nStamp        oStamp
     c                   EndIf
     c                   Return    oStamp
     P CnvUTimeToTS    E

If you have installed Jesper’s ToolBox for IBM i you can use the Make member in Listing 4 to compile the module and the example program.

Listing 4, member FINDFIL_MK, type TXT:

; FindFil_Mk
; ----------
; MAKE member for FindFiles() module and example program.
; Jesper Wachs, August 2016.
; Variables defined once and used though out make member.
v &lib    jwtools
v &srclib jwtools
v &debug  *source
; Check and possibly build FindFil module.
v &mod findfil
o &srclib &mod *module
u &srclib qrpglesrc *file &mod
ci dltmod &srclib/&mod
c crtrpgmod &srclib/&mod srcfile(&srclib/qrpglesrc) dbgview(&debug)
; Check and possibly build FindFil_Ex module.
v &mod findfil_ex
o &srclib &mod *module
u &srclib qrpglesrc *file &mod
ci dltmod &srclib/&mod
c crtrpgmod &srclib/&mod srcfile(&srclib/qrpglesrc) dbgview(&debug)
; Build main program.
v &pgm findfil_ex
o &lib &pgm *pgm
u &srclib findfil_ex *module
u &srclib findfil     *module
u &srclib splitfn     *module
u &srclib lucase      *module
ci DltPgm &lib/&pgm
c CrtPgm &lib/&pgm module(&srclib/&pgm &srclib/findfil +
  &srclib/splitfn &srclib/lucase)