It is time for Aprils Fool

Aprils FoolSo, 1st of April is coming up and it is time to make a little fun with your co-workers.

I have collected two Aprils Fool programs that you can use on your iSeries in order to make a little joke with your co-workers 🙂

Select the program you want to use, and make sure that the program is being called in the users login program. If you do not use a login program, you can define one of the Aprils Fool program directly on the users profile as login program.

Aprils FoolAfter you have downloaded the zip file and installed the programs, they are placed in a library called JWTOOLS. Both programs checks that the date is 1st of April and if that is the case, an override to the displayfile is done, meaning you do not have to worry about having the library in the library list, then the program is called and you can see the result on the pictures in this article.

You will find the source file QARPILSRC in the library JWTOOLS. It contains the display files and programs in order for you to make you own changes or create new Aprils Fool programs.

You can download the utility from here.

Enjoy the 1st of April 🙂