There are many different ways of getting source code and data out of the IBM i.
Continue readingThere are a number of shortcomings using DISPL, such as the message to display can be maximum 52 characters.
Continue readingThese procedure displays numbers in short form, that is with nomination as Thousand, Millions, Miliards etc.
Continue readingThis procedure searches the IFS tree structure (including sub-directories) for files and directories having a name that matches the mask 🙂 Continue reading
This procedure splits a filename (must be without path name) into the name and the extension.
If the filename has more than one dot, the name and extension is split at the last dot.
This is version 2 of the SplitFn() procedure.
Please note: As of April 2021, IBM has published PTFs for V7.3 and V7.4 that gives the ILE RPG langugage two new BIF (Build In Functions) to convert to upper and lower case. Continue reading
Do you know the feeling? There is that program, that you just wish you got the idea for and wrote? Continue reading